Al-aalem Al-jadeed

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Black Point… “Al Aalem Al Jadeed” Reveals Details of the “Blackmail” Network in the Security Establishment

Charges of blackmail and a relationship with “bloggers” have returned once again, striking the security establishment, becoming a “black spot” in the history of the ancient institution, according to what security specialists confirmed, especially after the revelation of networks and the involvement of officers in them, concerned with blackmail and managing pages on social networking sites.

“Al Aalem Al Jadeed” obtained exclusive information about the officers involved in these networks, which was revealed by the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, after days of confusion that arose about a senior officer in the Ministry of Interior and his relationship with one of the “bloggers” and its protection.

A high-ranking security source said, during an interview with Al Aalem Al Jadeed, that “there are 100 officers in the Ministry of Interior, whose statements were recorded against the background of their communication with suspicious pages on social networking sites, in addition to the involvement of officers with high ranks and positions in the Ministry in these pages.”

Rasoul, in a statement last night, revealed the formation of an investigative committee headed by the Minister of Interior and the membership of the head of the National Security Service and the military inspector of the Ministry of Defence. The investigations led to the identification of members of a network within the institution that works to use social networking sites (pages under pseudonyms) to blackmail the security institution and abuse its symbols, in addition to blackmailing and bargaining with officers and associates. As a result, the officers involved in this illegal act were referred to the command, and the necessary legal procedures continued, and investigations were completed against them.

The source adds, “The main network involved, which runs these pages, is led by several officers, the first of whom is an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the private office of the Minister of Defense, the other is an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel also affiliated with the First Military College, an officer with the rank of major affiliated with the Defense University, and an employee in the secretariat general at the Ministry of Defense, and Director of Information, a senior officer in the Army Chief of Staff.”

It is noteworthy that news emerged that the security advisor to the Minister of the Interior, Major General Saad Maan, and the administrative assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Saad Al-Alaq, were referred to the command, against the backdrop of these networks.

A few days ago, a lot of controversy arose about Maan’s involvement in a relationship and protection of an artist, who has recently become a social media celebrity.

It is noteworthy that on social media, there are many videos spread from inside nightclubs of officers from various security categories, offering greetings to each other or to some commanders sometimes, and clips are also published of famous women strengthening their relationships with officers in the Ministry of Interior and elsewhere, during any problem they face in the situation. Street.

Last year, Al Aalem Al Jadeed published an extensive report on the relationship of officers in the intelligence service and other security services with famous women, under the title: The story of intelligence and fashionistas in Iraq… “suspicious” relationships, mutual benefits, and employment in the manner of Safwat Al-Sharif.

At the end of last year, the Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, issued an order to refer some two officers to retirement after they appeared in video clips on social networking sites, which were considered offensive to their rank and profession, in accordance with the first paragraph of the law referring a policeman to retirement for the year 2012.

For his part, security expert Mukhled Al-Darb explained, during an interview with Al Aalem Al Jadeed, that “the spread of this phenomenon of blackmail within the security institution is considered a dangerous qualitative change, especially since the Iraqi security apparatus is one of the agencies that is considered a protector and guarantor of the citizen, and that these institutions were built on military doctrine.”

Al-Darb adds, “There are changes that have entered this institution, especially the military institution, where there is a division of positions, which is not in the interest of national security,” noting that “security institutions always rise to levels through which citizens feel secure, but they have reached the point of at one time, it was an institution that was not considered a guarantor of the citizen’s rights or security, and therefore what the institution is witnessing today is considered a major setback and a black point in the history of the Iraqi state.”

He continues: “When networks are uncovered that are run by leaders and ranks of officers within these institutions to confuse each other in order to obtain positions and dismiss this or that leader, this matter must be closely monitored by the government to limit it,” continuing that “there are many bloggers or social media influencers have begun to brag in the street and become accustomed to a lot of things because they are supported by officers with high positions in the security services.”

Social networking sites have recently become a trap for many officers, after many of them fell into the trap of professional “behavior.” Many videos have spread of famous women strengthening their relationships with officers in the Ministry of Interior and others, during any problem they face in the street, the most famous of which is calling One of them was a high-ranking officer for the purpose of opening a checkpoint and passing her vehicle through the traffic jam, where the clip last year sparked a huge controversy that required the official whose name appeared in the video to issue a statement denying his connection to this incident.

In addition, retired Brigadier General and security expert Adnan Al-Kanani explained, during an interview with Al Aalem Al Jadeed, that “these lapses that spread in the Ministries of Interior and Defense, as well as National Security, led to leaving the impression among citizens that these institutions are not to serve and protect the citizen, but the government began by hunting corrupt officers in the security services who blackmail officers and citizens as well.”

Al-Kanani points out that “some social media influencers lure corrupt officers in the security ministries and exploit them in order to protect them, as well as offering them precious gifts, such as modern homes or cars worth thousands of dollars,” adding, “An officer in the security institution has a salary within reasonable limits, but the price for these exorbitant gifts is through his obtaining money through blackmail, bargaining, and many illegal methods.”

Iraq is suffering from a noticeable increase in the number of officers. In a previous report by “The Al Aalem Al Jadeed,” security experts criticized the large number of current military and security ranks, as they do not reflect the experiences of their holders and are not appropriate for the institutions in which they work. While they stressed that the many military promotions have serious consequences because military personnel were not considered, as well as the financial implications resulting from it, pointed out that there are officers who “threw into the arms of parties” to obtain ranks and positions.

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